We will help you with significant developmental changes in companies, be it acquisitions and mergers, organisational changes or perhaps a shift to a different type of leadership (e.g. agile leadership). If these changes are to be successful, they require the expertise of business psychology, which we are happy to provide.
Company culture is a key point for the success of companies - that is why it is said that "culture eats strategy for breakfast". Accelerating and shaping changes in corporate culture can be not only part of organisational development but also a project on its own. We will help you find a way to define the target company culture with your values and make these values come alive. Such a process includes both a diagnosis of the current company culture and an intervention to change it. Important tools for such implementation include storytelling and value-oriented interviews.
Stop measuring your employees' engagement and start increasing it with us. A fundamental prerequisite for a long-term and high-performing company is a good mental condition of its employees. The pandemic times have made this need even more acute. We will provide you with not only a crisis intervention programme but also with mindfulness trainings that increase engagement and resilience, and represent the gold standard of stress management.
A special step to support company performance and appropriate change is to work more deeply with identified talents. This often involves initial development centres and feedback with subsequent creation of individual development programmes supported by training events and coaching. The benefit of a well-designed talent programme is that it can support a range of projects that help transform an organisation. We create talent programmes for both managers and non-managerial roles.
An important part of the selection process for hiring key employees is the evaluation of candidates in terms of competencies, which usually includes the use of high-quality and proven psychodiagnostic methods. These can be used to map the expected skills of candidates. This is complemented by an effective behavioural interview method, focused on specific areas of key competences, and an interactive section dedicated to model situations that test the candidates’ skills directly in action. The output of the AC is an evaluation of the candidates - their strengths and areas for development - and the creation of a clear report on the individuals’ aptitudes and how they compare to each other.